
Thursday, December 1, 2016

Manticore Pasta

Have I mentioned that MiniChef is really, really, really into monsters and mythical creatures? I have? OK, carry on then.

Monsters as imaginary friends are kind of a new thing for me over the last year or so. My brother was scared of monsters when he was young, and relaxed when mom and dad made "monster spray" (water in a spray bottle) and sprayed his ceiling fan, which is obviously where they hung out. I would have had nothing to do with monsters; my imaginary friend was a little Orthodox Jewish girl named Rachel Berman who had eight brothers and sisters.

The Kid has been obsessed with monsters and other mythical creatures--real and imagined--since he first saw How to Train Your Dragon. We've never looked back. And as someone who loved nothing more than Greek mythology as a child, I'm totally excited to help him navigate this world. They consume our play-life, and I love that MiniChef gets to work out things that might be scaring him by embracing them and becoming them.

Obviously, this love affects our bookshelf, and so I have a feeling that a lot of our recipes (certainly this week's and the one to follow) will center around monster characters and themes. It's the way of our world. And a delicious one, full of imagination potential.

This week's book is If I Had a Gryphon by Vicki Vansickle and Cale Atkinson. This book has so many fun monsters and creatures in it, but MiniChef specifically wanted to cook something to represent manticores. Specifically, he wanted to make "orange pasta with long and short manticore fur. Long for the mane and short for the body fur." Done!

Manticore Pasta
(Spaghetti with Tomato Sauce)

2 Tablespoons olive oil
1/2 yellow onion
1 clove garlic
1 8-ounce can tomato puree
1 15-ounce can diced tomatoes
2 Tablespoons tomato paste
1 Tablespoon dried oregano
2 teaspoons sugar
salt & pepper to taste
1 pound spaghetti
Parmesan cheese to taste

Working to open cans is good exercise!
NOTE: Most of this recipe is done on the stove. This is a great opportunity to remind your little chef about stove safety. We have an electric stove, so we went over the parts of the counter he could and couldn't touch, as well as the importance of keeping one hand on the handle of the pan while you stir. If your little chef can't work on the stove yet, this is a good time for him/her to watch you and learn. S/he can definitely help to open cans, grate cheese, etc.

I did:
Dice the onion. Mince the garlic. (Alternately, your little chef can squeeze the clove of garlic through a garlic press.)
Carefully stirring and holding onto the pot.
MiniChef joined me for:
Warm the olive oil in a saucepan over medium heat. Add the onion and garlic and saute, stirring occasionally, for about five minutes, until the onion is soft.
MiniChef did:
Stir in the tomato puree, diced tomato, tomato paste, oregano, and sugar. Bring to a simmer and cook for about 20 minutes, until the sauce is thickened.

Grate or shred 1/4 cup of Parmesan cheese, or more or less to taste.

Meanwhile, bring a pot of salted water to boil. Break half of your spaghetti in half or slightly smaller, and cook the spaghetti according to box directions.

I did:
Drain the pasta.

MiniChef did:
Divide the portions onto plates and top with the sauce.
Plating by MiniChef!
MiniChef did:
Sprinkle Parmesan cheese on top of the sauce and eat in your preferred manner: carefully or slurping.
He prefers to slurp.

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